For the Nordic Cluster Meet Up 2019 there will be Nordic Innovation calls target clusters open. The Calls will be within and across Nordic Innovation's three thematic areas of work for the period 2018-2021. The calls will be posted on and below:

Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity
The Nordic Smart Mobility and Connectivity program is Nordic Innovation's contribution to develop a more sustainable, connected, integrated and seamless transport system in the Nordic region – reducing carbon footprints, increasing the quality of life for all Nordic citizens and creating opportunities for Nordic businesses. See more here.
Open Call: Nordic Innovation Mobility Mission: Sea Meets Land. Nordic Innovation's effort to support Nordic initiatives seeking to develop solutions to decarbonize Nordic ports, transport of people and goods – on and between sea and land. Application deadline: 14 January 2020, Total budget: NOK 8 million. See more here.
Health, Demography and Quality of Life
With the Health, Demography and Quality of Life program, we connect people, data and innovation for a better life – and help make the Nordics the most sustainable and integrated health region in the world, providing the best possible personalised health care for all its citizens. See more here.
Nordic Sustainable Business Transformation
With Nordic Sustainable Business Transformation, Nordic Innovation aims to contribute to sustainable growth and competitiveness in Nordic businesses. In order to achieve this vision, the Nordic region should become a global innovation hub for circular- and bio economy solutions to attract talent, investments and increase export for Nordic businesses. See more here.